Upcoming Sale Info

SALE DATES: Friday, October 11 (9 am – 7 pm) & Saturday, October 12 (9 am – 1 pm)

Our sale offers tens of thousands of items for sale. It is held rain or shine! No early birds admitted.

Saturday is our ½ price sale day and begins as soon as the doors open! Each tag indicates if the consignor has reduced that item or not.

We accept Cash, Visa, Discover or MasterCard (Debit or Credit).

All Sales Are Final, No Returns.  While Kid’s Kloset makes every effort to provide quality merchandise, we cannot guarantee items.  Please check that items have all pieces and are in working order before purchase.  We have batteries available to check items which need them.  Please remember that we are a non-profit with all proceeds benefiting children’s and family ministries.

Please note that we no longer offer an online pre-sale.

VOLUNTEER & CONSIGNOR EARLY SHOPPING: Thursday, October 10, 6:30/7:30 – 9:00 pm (must have ticket to enter)

We cannot run our sale without our volunteers or consignors, so as a thank you to them we allow them to shop on Thursday evening before the sale opens to the public on Friday morning! No one will be admitted without a ticket.

All volunteers who work a shift of at least 2 hours (whether or not you are selling items in the sale itself), may shop from 6:30 pm until we close at 9 pm.

Anyone selling items in the sale and not volunteering to work a shift, shops on Thursday also, from 7:30pm-9:00pm only.

One ticket per seller or volunteer/family (no matter how many shifts you sign up for) that allows admittance at the appropriate time, will be provided. Early shopping times are for the seller or volunteer only and only that person will be admitted to shop. Tickets are non-transferable.

Childcare is not available. Children shopping with adults, must remain with that adult AT ALL TIMES for their own safety. Children, no matter what age, should never be left alone ANYWHERE while you shop.  This includes the church playground.